====== Vade Mecum == When I was learning Unix in the early nineties I struggled with the syntax of commands at the console. To help myself learn, every time I "discovered" a new command, I'd record it so I had a known good starting point the next time I needed something similar. For years I kept it as a text file in ~/etc, but when I discovered wiki's I moved it to a wiki page so I could more easily get to it from anywhere. Inspired by [[https://twitter.com/blackencino|Chris Horvath]], who taught me the phrase [[http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/vade_mecum|vade mecum]] or "//go with me//" in Latin, it has now been updated and moved here. To make it quick and easy to use, create an function in your ''.bashrc'' which looks like this: vade () { curl --silent "http://adam.nz/vade?do=export_text" | egrep -v "(^ *$)" | egrep -A 1 "^#.*(${1}).*$"; } And then you can search the page, for any keyword, from the command line: # vade See also: [[library:in_the_beginning_was_the_command_line]] {{namespace>:vade&rsort&nofooter}}