
The Wireless Commons Manifesto encompasses three documents: the manifesto itself, a proposed definition of the important properties of a community network and the full list of people who signed and commented back in 2003.

Charter Signatories

We, the undersigned, agree to pursue and promote the goals of the wireless commons.

Adam Shand (Personal Telco)
Bruce Potter (CAWNet)
Paul Holman (Shmoo Group)
Cory Doctorow (EFF)
Ben Laurie (Apache-SSL)
David P. Reed (Open Spectrum)
Schuyler Erle (NoCat)
Matthew Asham (BC Wireless)
Lawrence Lessig (Creative Commons)
Jon Lebkowsky (EFF-Austin)
James Stevens (Consume)
Steven Byrnes (Houston Wireless)
Richard MacKinnon (Rocksteady)
Duane Groth (Sydney Wireless)

2014 by adam shand. sharing is an act of love, please share.